- 論文の詳細を見る
Matsushima Bay is sheltered from the Pacific Ocean by small islands situated in the bay mouth area. The bay is about one to three meters deep and the floor is rather flat. Tidal currents flow in and out of the bay through several narrow channels situated between the islands during the ebbing and flowing tides, and one river and two canals drain into the bay. Twenty-five surface and five cored sediment samples were obtained in and around Matsushima Bay in February and March, 1991, and were examined in order to reveal depositional processes in the bay. Dark olive-colored muddy sediments mostly cover the bottom surface of Matsushima Bay, while sandy sediments dominate outside the bay. Muddy sediments are composed mainly of dusty materials in the bay, whereas they consist of volcanic glass shards and diatom fragments outside the bay. Sandy sediments consist chiefly of pumice, quartz, plagioclase, volcanic glass shards and a small amount of heavy minerals in the bay, but contain a considerable amount of heavy minerals outside the bay. The composition of sandy sediments suggests that they were derived mainly from Neogene strata exposed along the coastal cliff of the bay. Cored sediments are composed mainly of dark olive-colored mud with intercalations of sand layers, except for a core obtained in a channel in the east of the bay, which consists of massive sand. Biogenic disturbance is developed in the mud, and parallel laminations areidentified in the sand layers. The sand layers occupying the lower part of cores 1 and 4 were formed about 30 years ago as judged from depositional rates of these cores, and the sand lavers are inferred to be deposits induced by the Chile Earthquake Tsunami in 1960.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1992-02-28
入月 俊明
塚脇 真二
塚脇 真二
五十嵐 厚夫
五十嵐 厚夫
- 貝形虫化石群集解析に基づく下-中部中新統門ノ沢層の堆積環境の垂直変化
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- 表層堆積物の分布および堆積相からみた松島湾における堆積作用
- 57 沖縄県与那国島に分布する八重山層群の地質年代と堆積相
- 南極リュツォ・ホルム湾東岸に分布する隆起海成堆積物の^C年代の再検討
- 186. カンボジアにおける堆積学研究の将来性 : アンコール遺跡での砂岩石材の観察から
- 170 内湾における堆積相の研究 : 宮城県松島湾を例として
- 219 北海道東方,釧路海底谷の谷底堆積物について
- 157 無層理砂層の成因について (II) : 上総層群市宿層を例として
- 128 静岡県掛川地域および房総半島における後期新生代前弧海盆の発達史 : 相良・掛川層群および三浦・上総層群
- 198 島弧-海溝形前弧域,相良・掛川堆積盆の堆積史
- 五日市盆地新第三系の地質と年代
- 22. 天草群御所浦島における中部白亜系御所浦層群の層序ならびに堆積相
- 浮遊性有孔虫化石群集の主成分分析による上総層群堆積時の古海洋環境の復元
- O-13 日本海における最終氷期以降の高解像度古環境解析 : KT96-17 P-2コアの放散虫分析(2. 鮮新世以降の日本海の環境と生物の変遷,口頭発表,一般発表)