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In this paper we investigated dynamical characteristics and control performance of power system frequency and tie-line power by using some kind of data that are observed in power system. The frequency and control of power system has been studied for a long time, and there are many reports of both actual measurement and theory. In this study, we particularly construct reduced transfer function and state equation from certain data on power system. We investigate the modelling of control system that regulates frequency to keep desired value. First, we used a new method by which the dynamical performance of power system can be grasped using frequency and tie-line power fluctuations resulted from sudden load change. By the use of transfer function approximating to Markov parameters, and by the estimation of final state equation and equivalent transfer function, eigenvalue and eigenvector relative to controllable matrix are evaluated. Secondly, we examine this modelling by simulation language (SLCS IV). The above-mentioned method is executed, on the assumption that the output of simulation model is measured data. Then poles of estimated trensfer function are compared with those of power system transfer function used in simulation program. Thirdly, this technique is applied to actual measurable data obtained from the system dynamic performance recording facilities that are established in practical power system, and we search for a transfer function that shows the relation between frequency and active power. Finally, we explain the phenomenon that actual frequency data surveyed approach gradually the prescribed value. A load frequency control system model is reproduced on the basis of the transfer function mentioned above Moreove, we explained the control performance, making a comarison between observed data and theoretical value.
- 明治大学の論文
小野 治
明治大学 大学院理工学研究科 システム制御研究室
小野 治
小野 治
都築 施二
都築 施二
School Of Science And Technology Meiji University
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