パウル・ティリッヒの神学と「聖なるもの」 (聖学院大学チャペル完成記念論文集)
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Paul Tillich's theology has its origin in Christian "life". He started his theology from the idea of the Christian life and developed it based on analysis of that life because he thought that "reality precedes thought". This viewpoint is crucial in revealing the essence of Tillich's theology. What is the Christian life for Tillich? It is the experience of "the holy". Tillich tells of his experience of the holy in childhood and how it came to be the basis of his theological study. He also speaks of being influenced by Rudolf Otto's Das Heilige. Thus the holy is the essence of Christian life in Tillich's theology. However, there is a slight difference between Tillich's and Otto's concepts of the holy. Tillich esteems Otto's concept of the holy highly; at the same time, he criticizes it for lacking adequate discussion of the relationship between the rational and the irrational. This paper distinguishes Tillich's concept of the holy from Otto's to reveal the character of Tillich's theology.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 2006-03-27
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