- 論文の詳細を見る
In the aged society, numbers of problems with elderly people are going to increase because of decline of physical and psychological function. In fact, many of elderly people feel anxiety with everyday life both of inside and outside of their home. However, some of retired people would like to enjoy their aged life in various ways and the government also has planned to support their life. One of them is practical use of IT(Information Technology). But many people think that elderly people cannot use IT devices very well because of not only difficulty of PC but also decline of the elderly peoples' physical function. In this study, we are going to lecture the way of use PC for elderly people in Nakajo village, Nagano prefecture. After the lecture, 7 persons in the 8 elderly people are eager to continue using PC in their own house. Thus, it was cleared that we need continuous supports and improving unique user interface for elderly people to continue using IT devices.
- 長野県短期大学の論文
- 2004-12-27
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