- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to clarify the visual search patterns and aspect of the executional deduction of competitive gymnastics judges. The subjects were eight judges (four experts and four novices). Two dependent variables were measured: the location of ocular fixations and the total amount of the executional deduction in the evaluation of the gymnasts' performance with videotape replay. Ocular fixations were measured by means of the corneal reflection technique. And then the N.A.C. Eye-Mark Recorder Model V was used. Executional deduction was divided into technical errors and form errors, from judge paper of each judge. A statistical difference was found in the location of fixations between expert judges and novice judges: experts paid more attention to the upper part of the gymnasts' body, while novices paid more attention to the legs (p<.001). There was no statistical difference in the form errors. However, in the total amount of executional deduction and technical errors, the difference between the two groups was significant (executional deduction p<.0.5, technical errors p<.01). The conclusion is the following: the defference between the ocular fixation, and the executional deduction, according to the degree of judging experience, depends on the defference between the technique to observe the gymnasts' performance, and the ability to fix the model performance.
- 早稲田大学の論文
- 1988-03-25
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