離島社会における保健医療の総合的研究(4) : 村落の小・中学生の自覚症状と生活について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the health and the lifestyle of the elementary and junior high school students who lived in the isolated island. Furthermore, it aimed to compare the conditions the elementary school students with junior high school students lived in the isolated island, and compare to the students who lived in the city using preceding research. The subjects of this investigation were 66 students from the third to the sixth grades of the elementary schools and 47 students from the first to the third grades of the junior high schools. The investigation was done by using questionnaire. It tried to inquire their health conditions by asking about whether they had any subjective symptoms, their consciousness of health wellness revel. The degrees of the necessity and the practice of living behavior for maintaining and increasing their health, lifestyle, and the anxiety and the pleasure in the daily life were also, The results comparing the ratio were follows. In existence of subjective symptoms between elementary school students and junior high school students, junior high school students were higher. In the degrees of the necessity and the practice for maintaining and increasing their health between them, elementary school students were higher. The junior high school students had many anxiety and few pleasure more than the elementary school students. In existence oi subjective symptoms between students lived in the isolated island and the city, students lived in the isolated island had more mental subjective symptoms. There were some significant differences on lifestyle.
- 天使大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
- 繰り下がりのあるひき算における問題のサイズ効果(科学教育各論(1))
- 離島市街地の小・中学生の自覚症状と生活
- 離島社会における保健医療の総合的研究(4) : 村落の小・中学生の自覚症状と生活について
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