企業メセナの促進に関する一考察 : 非資金協力に重点を置いて
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Corporate support of the arts is in stagnation in recent years while the word "mecenat", a French word which means support of the arts, becomes more and more popular One possible cause of this situation is the lack of incentive for corporations to start or expand support of the arts in the recent weak economy A new model of mecenat should be constructed to make corporations interested in the support under piesent situation One possible solution is to promote non-cash contributions, which means the support by offering artists resources other than funds, such as manpower, places, products, techniques and know-how Such resources are accumulated in each corporation and not influenced by the fluctuation of the economy In addition, non-cash contribution could be more valuable than cash contribution in the sense that it brings both supporters and artists deeper mutual understanding, collaboration, communication and stimulus for each business In this paper, we consider the needs and significance of non-cash contribution in corporate support of the arts, and the way to promote it, found in an example in the United States.
- 長岡技術科学大学の論文
- 2001-11-30
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