- 論文の詳細を見る
Shiwu Sαη切勿g is an elementary textbook published at the end of the Qing Period. There are two editions of Shiwu Sαngijin9. One is the edition that Zhang Zhigong張志公introduced in his book, published in 1902by the School of Jiang Clan江氏家塾.The other is the edition in the collection of the Swedish Royal Library in the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities of Stockholm, which was compiled by an unknown author in 1903.According to the edition of the latter, it explained the damage of anti-Christian movement and the history of late Qing Politics, introducing Westernization movement洋務運動with easy words. It seems that Shiwu Sαngijing was a pamphlet on the reformative politics lead by the Manchurian- Qing government after the Boxer uprising. In short Shiwu Sαngijing encouraged children to introduce modern technology and develop commerce in order to enrich the nation and build up its defenses.
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