- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to find some factors that may influence sexual function of young women and to evaluate appropriate "self-health" care and support to keep this sexual function performing as well as possible. We studied the menses patterns and any symptoms during menstrual cycle of 230 nursing students and evaluated the relationship between the details of symptoms observed during menstrual cycle and their life styles or their "self-health" care at menses. Approximately 90% of the women experienced discomfort at menses and approximately 30% had various troubles in their daily lives. About 60% expressed problems or anxiety about their menses. Generally, menstrual distress was worse at menses than in the premenstrual time period. Judging from the scoring of the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ), water retention was significantly higher in the premenstrual time period. On the other hand, pain, autonomic reaction problems, concentration difficulties, behavioral changes, and other negative effects were all significantly higher during menses. Furthermore, it was found that in general, those who maintained good eating and sleeping habits and who had regular bowel movements showed low scores in MDQ while those who had poor habits showed high scores. MDQ score was significantly higher among those who endeavored to take care of their "self-health" than those who did not. In order to maintain a comfortable life during the menstrual phase, it is very important for women to establish a good life style and receive proper health care education with which they can deal with the discomforts associated with the menstrual cycle.
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