Pride and Prejudiceにおける諷刺 :'"FITZWILLIAM DARCY."'の場合(イギリス文学系,英文学科創設70周年記念論文集)
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This paper aims to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of satire used by Jane Austen, specifically by examining one particular flaw in the character of Fitzwilliam Darcy in Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice. Darcy, the young owner of Pemberley, is full of pride and conceit, and as a result cannot accept the fact that his life is conceited and empty. Due to his stupidity, he is unable to penetrate into Genius Loci [the spirit of the place] even in a number or series of magnificent residences and humble abodes. This character flaw of his has its origins chiefly in his disproportionate emphasis on the life in time and the visual eye, a flaw which results in his having prejudicial and one-sided views. However, by employing what is fictitious in Pride and Prejudice, Austen enables the discerning and intelligent novel-reader to have the opportunity to make improvements in his or her own life, which unfortunately does not happen with Darcy. By looking at Darcy and his character flaw, we are able to imaginatively grasp evil. We see into the subconscious and reveal his hidden life. We are able to do this by attending to various literary methods such as half-explained gestures and words, the irony of self-betrayal, and symbolism. By examining the character of Fitzwilliam Darcy we are better able to clearly realize his dangerous duplicity and self-alienation, and this realization aids us in our own self-improvement.
- 2005-03-15
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- Pride and Prejudiceにおける諷刺 :'"FITZWILLIAM DARCY."'の場合(イギリス文学系,英文学科創設70周年記念論文集)
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