マーガレット・フラーとジュゼッペ・マッツィーニ : 人民とは誰か
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This paper intends to clarify the idea of the People by Mazzini and Fuller's criticism for his republicanism. Mazzini was an Italian revolutionary and exiled to London when Fuller met him at Thomas Carlyle's house. Deeply moved by his cause, Fuller continued to give her support througout her life to the movement for a united republican Italy and the Roman Republic in 1849. Regardless of their shared sense of republicanism, however, Fuller began to discover Mazzini's idea of the People a little different from her and to realize he would not want to admit the existence of class struggle. From Giovine Italia and his motto 'God and People', he developed his duty theory that a person's right shall be given after one performs one's duty, which seems morally Catholic. Though he acknowledged the benefit of industry and the progress of mankind as did Saint - Simon and Fourier, he exhibited a tendency to minimize class division. In developing his notion of the People, he appeared to include people of all classes, whereas, in fact, from his revolutionary plan he excluded the lower class and peasant folk, togethev comprising three fourth of population in Italy then. Fuller asserted natural rights of all people from Protestant individualism. Fuller not only realized the radical change of social structure under industrial revolution but also learned such new theories as Fourier - system, and communism. Moreoven she came to understand the class struggle underlying in 1848 revolution in Paris, strongly conscious of the cries of lower class under the potato-famine and economic recession. Basically a transcendentalists, idealistic and romantic, while also being a feminist very realistic, Fuller became a radical, insisting on the bestowal of the natural rights of laboring classes on both Italian and American people.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 2005-04-01
- マーガレット・フラーのイタリア便り--ピクチャレスク・ネオクラシシズム・ターナー論争--
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- インディアン問題 超絶主義的アプローチ : Margaret Fuller : Summer on the Lakes,1843(1991)の再版に際して
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- マーガレット・フラーとジュゼッペ・マッツィーニ : 人民とは誰か
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