カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : (4) Nienburgia andersoniana (J. AG.) KYLIN, Polyneuropsis stolonifera WYNNE, McBRIDE et WESTとBotryoglossum farlowianum (J. AG.) DE TONIについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of reproductive organs and the morphorogical character of Nienburgia andersoniana, Polyneuropsis stolonifera and Botryoglossum farlowianum were observed on the basis of specimens collected on November 1980, by Drs. M. MASUDA and J. WEST from Duxbury Reef, and Mission Point., California. The results obtained are summarized as follows. Nienburgia andersoniana: 1) the thallus is polystromatic throughout except at the apices, 2) both the transversely dividing apical cell and the intercalary divisions in the primary cell row are present, 3) the apical segmentation has a pattern of growth in which only one of the two secondary apical cells from each segment grows out to form a marginal tooth, alternately right and left, 4) the tetrasporangial sori occur on blade proper or on small proliferous blades, and 5) the tetrasporangial rudiment arises from the cortical cells. Polyneuropsis stolonifera: 1) the thallus has branched cylindrical stipe, giving rise to horizontal stolons, 2) spermatangial bladelets are generally 2-12 mm long with a short cylindrical stipe and ovate to lanceolate blade, 3) spermatangial mother cells are derived from vegetative cells by periclinal and anticlinal divisions, and 4) each spermatangial mother cell forms two or four spermatangia. Botryoglossum farlowianum: 1) the obliquely jointed apical cell is present, 2) apical growth generally cuts off segments alternately on two sides, 3) the intercalary division occurs in the cell rows of the first order, 4) the tetrasporangial primordia are in most instances cut off from the inner cortical cells, although occasionally also from the primary cells, 5) sprmatangial mother cells are derived from superficial vegetative cells by periclinal and anticlinal divisions, and 6) each spermatangial mother cell forms two or three spermatangia.
- 札幌大学の論文
- 1984-09-30
- E-6 高山(国定公園ニセコ)をフィールドとした環境教育プログラムの実践
- C-6 環境教育に関する大学教育カリキュラムと大学生の知識および意識の調査について
- E-9 フィールド学習における評価の方法について
- E-4 自然環境に対する児童の意識調査
- E-1 環境教育カリキュラムの開発(3)
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- 札幌大学構内植物目録補遺
- 台湾産ヒメバショウ(紅藻,コノハノリ科)の原標本について
- ヤレウスバノリ(紅藻,コノハノリ科)について
- クシノハウスベニとスジベニハノリ(紅藻・コノハノリ科)について
- スジギヌ(紅藻,コノハノリ科)について
- ノコギリバベニハノリ(紅藻,コノハノリ科)について
- カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : (4) Nienburgia andersoniana (J. AG.) KYLIN, Polyneuropsis stolonifera WYNNE, McBRIDE et WESTとBotryoglossum farlowianum (J. AG.) DE TONIについて
- カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : (3) Hymenena flabelligera (J. AG.) KYLIN及びHymenena multiloba (J. AG.) KYLINについて
- カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : (2) Cryptopleura violacea (J. AG.) KYLIN及びPolyneura latissima (HARV.) KYLINについて(文化・経営学科開設記念号)
- カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : 1. Cryptopleuva lobulifera (J. AG.) KYLINについて(五十嵐三郎教授追悼号)
- 外国herbarium所蔵標本の観察 : [1]ソ連邦コマロフ研究所のコノハノリ科植物(紅藻)
- 札幌大学構内植物目録(竹森健夫先生退休記念)