カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : 1. Cryptopleuva lobulifera (J. AG.) KYLINについて(五十嵐三郎教授追悼号)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of reproductive organs of Cryptopleura lobulifera (J. AG.) KYLIN were investigated on the basis of collections made by Drs. M. MASUDA and J. WEST from Mission Point, California. The species is characterized by 1) the microscopic veins are present, 2) the procarps are formed at random on the thallus surface, 3) the procarps consist of a four-celled carpogonial branch and two groups of sterile cells, 4) before fertilization, the mother cells of two groups of sterile cells usually remain undivided, 5) the carposporangia are borne terminally on the gonimoblast branches, 6) the cystocarps are distributed submarginally in upper portions of thallus, 7) the tetrasporangial sori are lunate to elliptical on ruffed marginal portions of thallus, and 8) the tetrasporangial primordia are in most instances cut off from the inner cortical cells, although occasionally also from the primary cells.
- 札幌大学の論文
- 1982-05-31
- E-6 高山(国定公園ニセコ)をフィールドとした環境教育プログラムの実践
- C-6 環境教育に関する大学教育カリキュラムと大学生の知識および意識の調査について
- E-9 フィールド学習における評価の方法について
- E-4 自然環境に対する児童の意識調査
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- カリフォルニア産コノハノリ科(紅藻)所見 : 1. Cryptopleuva lobulifera (J. AG.) KYLINについて(五十嵐三郎教授追悼号)
- 外国herbarium所蔵標本の観察 : [1]ソ連邦コマロフ研究所のコノハノリ科植物(紅藻)
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