子ども期の文化間移動と発達 : 日系ブラジル人子女の滞日経験の質的分析
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This paper presents an interpretive analysis of two Japanese-Brazilian children growing up in Japan. Ethnographic data were obtained from interviews and participant observations conducted in August 2004 in Londrina, Brasil. The major findings focused on Japanese language and self development are as follows : (1) the children make use of their former Japanese language experience as resources for forming their feelings of self-esteem and their ethnic identity ; (2) they study and use Japanese as a language which confirms their origin and opens the way for their future as well as a tool for participating in Japanese society. The Japanese language also seems to connect them with their parents and grandparents ; and (3) they perceive speech actions not only as individual actions decided by themselves but also as societal actions which occur outside with other's eyes and feelings.
- 鎌倉女子大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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