秋田県男鹿方言の動詞句構造 : 「スベガ構造」を中心に
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The verabal syntagma of the Oga subdialect of the Akita dialect of Japanese, which is the author's own motherlect, can be described as follows : [VERB+CAUSATIVE+PASSIVE+NEGATIVE+PERFECTIVE] + [POLITE (-SI) + SUPPOSITIONAL (-BE) +INTERROGATIVE (-GA)] (Kondo : 1996a) among which, POLITE, SUPPOSITIONAL and INTERROGATIVE are represented by the forms of suffixes, while CAUSATIVE, PASSIVE, NEGATIVE and PERFECTIVE are by verbal auxiliaries. In this paper the author makes observation of the POLITE+SUPPOSITIONAL+INTERROGATIVE] structure, which is called here SI-BE-GA Substructure, which can be depicted more precise as follows : <-SI-> | <-BE-> | <-GA> <-SI#> |<-BE#> | <-SI-> : the cluster of suffixes which can be accompanied by the cluster <-BE->. <-SI#> : the cluster of suffixes which can replace <-SI-> but has the dead-end. <-BE-> : the cluster of suffixes which can be accompanied by the cluster <-GA>. <-BE#> : the cluster of suffixes which can replace <-BE-> but has the dead-end. <-GA> : the last cluster to make the SI-BE-GA Substructure. Also in this paper, the author/consultant applies his Binary Agglutination Tables (introduced in Kondo op. cit.) on his own data to present the verbal paradigms of his dialect.
- 2005-03-31
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