ドデンスルとタマゲル : 秋田方言の驚き表現
- 論文の詳細を見る
In spite of the Linguistic Atlas of Japan (LAJ), on whose map #77 DODEN SURU is rather unique than just dominant or outnumbered a verb in Akita Prefecture for 'to be surprised', Akita does have two different ways to express surprise: DODEN SURU (to be startled/nonplussed) and TAMAGERU (to be astonished/amazed). This is the result of a questionnaire about DODEN SURU/TAMAGERU in the Akita dialect, to which the author received 105 replies (including the author himself as an informant of the dialect), July-August 2002. This is only an interim report and is hardly a comprehensive work on the issue. Analysing and discussing the result of the questionnaire in more detail shall be on the sequel to this article.
- 2003-03-31
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- ドデンスルとタマゲル : 秋田方言の驚き表現
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