2 遺伝子のメチル化 : 発がんを新たな視点で考える(シンポジウムがんの血液診断 : 将来に向けての新しい展開)(第581回新潟医学会)
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In vertebrates, the 5th position of the cytosine residues in CpG sequences in genomic DNA are often methylated. The DNA methylation is catalyzed by the DNA methyltransferases, Dnmtl, Dnmt3a, and Dnmt3b, and it functioned in numerous physiological phenomena including car-cinogenesis. In numerous cancer, CpG islands are often hypermethylated abnormally, and so that the expression of genes located in their down-stream are suppressed. These suppressed genes are mostly related to the cell proliferation, cell differentiation, tumor suppression and cell adhesion, etc. On the other hand, 5-methylcyiosine residue is thought to be an endogenous mutagen. Because 5-methylcylosine can be easily converted to thymidine by dearnination reaction under the physiological condition. This C:T transition conversion is one of origins of the point mutagenesis of genes. Recently, there are several reports that the methylation states of the interest genes in cancer patients were analyzed by the MSP (methylation specific PCR) method using patient's serum or plasma DNA prepared from their peripheral blood. In the future, these tests are possible to be a new tumor marker test or a metastasis marker test in the laboratory medicine area.
- 新潟大学の論文
- 2003-07-10
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- 2 遺伝子のメチル化 : 発がんを新たな視点で考える(シンポジウムがんの血液診断 : 将来に向けての新しい展開)(第581回新潟医学会)