- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper we inquire into the various ideas about the 'lime' and its chemical phenomena in the eighteenth century in Europe, esp. those which appeared in the first half of the 18^<th> century in France. We have mainly analysed the contents of an article, which Venel, a French chemist, had written in Diderot's Encyclopedie in the name of 'Chaux,' and investigated their chemicohistorical background. Although many misconceptions were committed by Venel and other chemists, the constituent parts of lime were studied and its phenomena were explained. The results being not so fruitful, the basis of discovery concerning the 'simple substances' in the sense of Lavoisier was secured and the notions of 'element' or 'principle (principe) were exceedingly corrected.
- 八戸工業大学の論文
- 2004-02-27
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