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The present paper consists of a descriptive list of cantharoid beetles hitherto known from the Islands of Tsushima, with the description of a new species of the genus Luciola. (Lampyridae) 1. Lucidina biplagiata (MOTSCHULSKY) 2. Pyrocoelia rufa (E. OLIVIER) 3. Luciola cruciata MOTSCHULSKY 4. Luciola lateralis MOTSCHULSKY 5. Luciola tsushimana NAKANE, n. sp. Holotype : ♂, Sasuna, Is. Tsushima, Japan, 11. VI. 1969,T. NAKANE leg. (NSMT). Paratypes : 3♂, same as above. Body length : 7.5-9.0mm. Head black, with eyes bearing aeneous or purplish metallic tinges; mouth parts yellowish brown, with mandibles reddish brown apically, palpi blackish; antennae blackish brown, with basal two joints somewhat paler. Pronotum yellow with disc broadly reddish and frontal border often transversely blackish; scutellum yellow. Elytra brownish black, usually with sutural margin narrowly brown. Thorax beneath flavous, with median part of propleura reddish and metasternum largely blackish. Abdomen blackish brown, with apical two segments pale yellow. Coxae and trochanters yellowish, except posterior coxae infuscate; femora yellowish with apex more or less blackish; tibiae and tarsi blackish brown, with claws reddish brown. Pubescence suberect on upper surface and recumbent on under surface, moderately closely set; blackish on dark-coloured parts and flavous on light-coloured parts. Elongate-oblong, twice and a half as long as wide, rather subparallel-sided, gently convex above. Head longitudinally hollowed between large prominent eyes, rather finely and closely punctured. Antennae filiform, not reaching middle of body; 1st joint elongate, 2nd short, half as long as 1st, 3rd as long as 1st, 3rd to 10th gradually diminishing their length, 10th two-thirds as long as 3rd, 11th as long as 3rd and acuminate apically. Maxillary palpi not so stout, with last joint elongate oval and gently narrowed to rounded apex, where it is flattened. Pronotum strongly transverse, two-thirds wider than long in middle, closely and coarsely punctured, longitudinally sulcate along middle; front angles rounded, hind angles lobed and produced posteriorly, basal margin trisinuate. Scutellum finely punctured, triangular with rounded apex and depressed basally. Elytra fully twice as long as wide, closely and coarsely punctured and somewhat rugose; each with four obsolete costae, of which 3rd and 4th are much abbreviated basally; humeral prominence well-marked. Prosternum very short, forming a transverse bar; propleura concave and finely punctured; mesosternum flattened V-shaped; metasternum finely and closely punctured; abdomen finely punctured, microscopically rugose in basal four segments, anal segment simple. Legs moderately slender, with claws dilated and angulate at base. Male genitalia as figured. Differs from L. mongolica MOTSCHULSKY, L. unmunsana DOI, L. cerata E. OLIVIER and L. roseicollis PIC in having largely infuscate metasternum, and from L.fukienensis PIC in having yellowish tibiae with infuscate apex. Male genitalia are closely related to those of L. (Hotaria) parvula KIESENWETTER, and quite dissimilar to those of L. cerata E. OLIVIER. (Lycidae) 1. Macrolycus similaris NAKANE, 1968 2. Mesolycus atrorufus (KIESENWETTER) 3. Plateros koreanus KLEINE 4. Konoplatycis otome (KONO), n. comb. (Cantharidae) 1. Themus cyanipennis MOTSCHULSKY, subsp. 2. Athemus vitellinus (KIESENWETTER)
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