<国立科博専報>奄美大島における高等菌類(菌蕈類)の分布 : 木材腐朽菌を中心として
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Wood-decaying Hymenomycetes were collected in Amami-oshima Isl. (Kagoshima Pref.) mainly in 1989. Some tropical species were found for the first time from the Island. The distribution patterns of the species found from the Island are as follows. Species widely distributed in Japan : Bjerkandera adusta, Daedaleopsis confragosa, Coltricia montagnei, Hymenochaete mougeotii, Ganoderma lipsiense. Species distributed from the tropical region to the warmer region along the Pacific Ocean : Dictyopanus gloeocystidiatus, Corticium argenteum, Microporus flabelliformis, Nigroporus vinosus, Cyclomyces tabacinus, Phellinus umbrinellus, Polystictus substygius. Species distributed from the tropical region to the southern part of Kyushu (and/or occasionally to Honshu, Shikoku) : Cymatoderma lamellatum, Lenzites platyphylla, Loweporus fusco-purpureus, Tinctoporellus epimiltinus, Trametes rhodophaea, Phellinus mcgregorii. Species distributed from the tropical region to the southern part of the Cape Sada-misaki, Ohsumi Pen., Kagoshima Pref. : Panus fulvus, Erythromyces crocicreas. Species distributed from the tropical region to Amami-oshima Isl. or to Tane-ga-shima Isl. : Oudemansiella canarii, Daedalea aurora, Nigrofomes melanoporus, Trametes retropicta. Daedalea aurora and Nigrofomes melanoporus have been recorded only from Iriomote Isl. in Japan. Most species collected from the Island were warm temperate, subtropical or tropical species.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1990-12-01
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Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
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本郷 次雄
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