北部北太平洋における主にテカギイカ科イカ類(頭足綱・開眼亜目)の生活史初期の分布(その 1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Cephalopods collected with micronekton nets in the Subarctic North Pacific are shown to be primarily young stages of the family Gonatidae. Regional and seasonal changes of abundance of cephalopods in the northern North Pacific are discussed. A pattern of low winter abundance with a rapid early summer increase and gradual autumn decrease is evident. Distribution patterns of species in the family Gonatidae show good correlation with large scale oceanographic features. The distribution types include pan-Subarctic forms of two kinds, including and excluding the Sea of Okhotsk; northeastern Pacific endemics; California Current endemics; western Subarctic endemics; and species localized within the Sea of Okhotsk. The Sea of Okhotsk and California Current showed distinctive faunal and gonatid species composition. Species of the family Gonatidae are classified into four groups according to the geographical pattern of relative abundance of the early life stages. One group shows high abundance in neritic waters, another in offshore waters, a third is intermediate, and larvae of the fourth group were rarely or never caught. The geographical area and timing of spawning or hatching are estimated for most gonatid species. A growth curve is derived for young individuals of Gonatus madokai in the Sea of Okhotsk.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1984-09-22
窪寺 恒己
Department Of Zoology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Jefferts Katharine
College of Oceanography Oregon State University
窪寺 恒己
National Science Museum Tokyo Department Of Zoology
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- 北部北太平洋における主にテカギイカ科イカ類(頭足綱・開眼亜目)の生活史初期の分布(その 1)
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