- 論文の詳細を見る
The investigation was carried out for female college students of 182 persons of this junior college in the weekday in June the end of month, 2003, and level of physical activity of the subject was calculated from the motion and time study, and 4 was classified into the new level of physical activity independence, each life aspect was compared and was examined. There were body weight and BMI, body fat percentage high, as level of physical activity was lighter in the result of the anthropometry. In the physique index, the result was reverse at index and BMI, body fat percentage of VFA (visceral fat cross section index) between level of physical actibity II and III. Though the average of the walking number was a top from the national level, the proportion of the person over 10,000 walks was little. And, the average of physical activity IV and level of III has exceeded 10,000 walks. In living hours, it was the time of "part time job", and there was a significant difference between level of physical activity I and II and III and IV. In the correlation of living hours, level of physical activity independence respectively. Factor analysis result of living hours proved the correlation of living hours. There was a person who in the frequency of the meat skipping, there was the significance between intensity of physical activity II and IV, and who in hoop and II, it does not skip meal almost at 80.3%. And then the supper hour was compared with level of physical activity I and II, and there were slowly III and IV. From the above fact, there was some abounding the walking number, as life activity which affects level of physical activity is a part time job, and as the time is longer. And, it seems to be future problem that in the group in which level of physical activity is low, it increases daily active mass, and that it positively advises the utilization of living hours which raise the life activity.
- 東京聖栄大学の論文
- 2003-12-20
伊澤 正敏
富岡 孝
中尾 祥子
吉田 真知子
桜井 昌子
冨和 美智子
小野 恵津子
山崎 文雄
小野 恵津子
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