- 論文の詳細を見る
It is generally said that, in mainland Honshu, the strong ties between hamlets and the O.I.M. support the operation of O.I.M., and preventing deterioration of agriculture. But in Hokkaido, it is pointed out that the ties are weak and the operation of O.I.M. is rather businesslike.This paper discusses the actual situation and activities of O.I.M. in paddy field areas where a cooperative work system is basically employed, focusing on the relationship between farm households and the AWU. The management unit(MU)is one of O.I.M.s in Hokkaido. The activities of MU include not only the irrigation management but also maintenance of the hamlel. In the area where OMI and AWU overlaping, the activities mentioned above are actually done by AWU, which shows strong ties between OIM and AWU. On the other hand, in the area where the relationship between them is weak, MU is in charge of only irrigation management, and the activities of AWU are sluggish. Although the situation differs depending on each area, the relationship between O.I.M. and MU in Hokkaido is not weak. It is obviously recognized that their relationship prevents agriculture from declination, using original functions of farm villages as same as the mainland. This is because activities ofAWU have reflected on MU or the functions of AWU have been formed through the activity of MU. There may be a possibility that new types of communities are being formed, while MU, an administrative organization for irrigation facilities, and AWU are influencing each other.
- 北海道大学の論文
- 2006-03-24
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