- 論文の詳細を見る
The current world energy resource system is changing from the petroleum age to the petroleum natural gas age. The general trend of the energy development in the world is to develop clean, high quality and efficient energy, to pay more attention to the environment issues such as ozone layer depletion, CO_2 discharge and acid rain, to devote all efforts to raise the utilization efficiency, and to save energy, i.e. to reduce energy consumption. They have become important basis to formulate the policy and strategy for energy development over the world. To well coordinate the relationship among sustained development of economy and science, energy supply and environment protection in China, it has been followed with interest by all of the colleagues in the world. Based on that issue and the theory of existence, in this paper we introduce and analyse the status, progress, scientific research and developing strategy for the development and utilization of energy in China. Finally, we have discussed the prospects for the cooperation in science and technology between China and Japan.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 2004-03-20
北川 邦行
北川 邦行
北川 邦行
北川 邦行
Research Center For Advanced Energy Conversion Nagoya University
謝 裕生
叶 樹峰
王 開力
謝 裕生
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