市街地建築物法制定前の東京における私設道路の取扱いとその実態 : 明治後半期から大正初期にかけて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The treatment and the actual circumstances of the private road in Tokyo from 1888 to 1919 were as follows. 1) It was provided in the Rule of Treatment for Minyu-doro around 1989, which was legislated by Tokyo Prefecture, followed by Tokyo City and sent to the wards as notification by the municipal authorities in 1911, that distinguishing Minyu-doro in public intrests from Teinairoji, Minyu-doro should be opended above 3 kens wide. It was considered that the standard-establishment of the rule of Teinai-roji in 1874 was reconfirmed by this rule. 2) But practically the private roads were not always opened above 3 kens from 1888 to 1919. 3) In the investigation of the private roads for the wards by the municipal authorities in 1917, almost ward have not the rule of treatment and the ledger of the private road. By the rule of treatment for private road in Hongo-ku as the only ward which has it, the width of the private road as 9 shaku was legislated, following the result of the exchanges with Tokyo Prefecture and the municipal anthorities, against the rule of treatment for Minyu-doro around 1989. 4) And in the map of the private road that the ward investigated and made by the request of the municipal anthorities in 1917, a lot of private roads were opened in under 3 kens wide. It was considered that these facts had an influence on enacting the Urban Building Act in 1919.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1990-06-30
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