- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is discussed on the process of formation and transition of the Nagasaki foreign settlement. Conclusion as follows. 1. In the other studies, it was pointed out that there was a plan to separate the foreign settlement from Nagasaki City. It was the plan which separate the lots of south of Ohura by setting the stream of Ohura river toward the foot of Ohura Hill. In this paper, we made an additional remark that there were five border lines by various system to separate the foreign settlement from the others. And there were also two border lines to distinguish three grade lots of the Nagasaki foreign settlement. 2. We pointed out that Higashi-Yamate had a unique character in the increase in area and the rate of utilization of lots. 3. After the Middle years of Meiji Era, new residential sites were used in different from traditional ones. It was that there were several houses in narrow site and the site area of one house was more narrow than the traditional one. And also we want to add to that there were background about an sudden increase in population of foreigner of Nagasaki foreign settlement from 1894 to 1901.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1985-06-30
- 919 伊王島燈台吏員退息所における設計寸法について(建築史・建築意匠)
- 615 伝本木昌造旧宅の復元的研究(その2)(建築歴史・意匠)
- 614 伝本木昌造旧宅の復元的研究(その1)(建築歴史・意匠)
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- 804 崇福寺跡発掘調査報告(3) : 仏殿と僧堂について(建築史・建築意匠)
- 803 崇福寺跡発掘調査報告(2) : 仏殿と僧堂について(建築史・建築意匠)
- 崇福寺跡発掘調査報告 : 建築史・建築意匠
- 長崎県(建築ガイド)
- 佐賀県(建築ガイド)
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- 910 博多の町割 : 福岡市の都市史的研究 1(建築歴史・意匠)
- 610 教会堂建築の原初的形態について : 教会堂建築の研究VIII(建築歴史・意匠)
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- 鹿児島県(建築ガイド)
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- 福岡県知事公舎の建築について(その1) : 建築歴史・建築意匠
- 922 洋風賃貸住宅の面積について : 長崎旧居留地における洋風住宅の研究・2(建築史・建築意匠)
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