- 論文の詳細を見る
Jingoji was founded in 824 A. D. as temple of Shingon Sect. It was built on south-side of Mt. Takao which was located in north-west of Heian Palace. It was an important temple as Kongobuji and Toji (Kyoogokokuji). The conclusion is as follows : Jingoji was mainly composed of Doin (The Hall Precinct) and Hotoin (The Pagoda Precinct). The buildings of Doin were composed of four main halls. Konpon-do (Main Hall) and Konpon-shingondo (Main Hall of Esoteric Buddhism) corresponded on the process of development of Jingoji. Gobutsu-do (Five Buddhas Hall) and Godai-do (Five Vidyarajas Hall) corresponded on their inner objects of Esoteric Buddhism. And then, Gobutsu-do and HotO (Pagoda of Hotoin) were so them, too. They were characterised by the formation that was based on their respective correspondences. About the arrangement in the Early period, it is presumed that the site plan of Hotoin was characterised by symmetry (Fig. 2). And, the buildings were reconstructed in the Early Kamakura (12th century), but it is guessed that Doin and Hotoin had followed their position. According to the drawing (Fig. 3), Konpon-do (changed to Kon-do later) and Konpon-shingondo (changed to Kanjyo-do later) stood on south and north in the center of Jingoji. Godai-do stood in front of Konpon-shingondo. Gobutsu-do (changed to Kodo later) and Hoto stood on the east and west side of the area behind Konpon-shingondo. Namely, Konpon-shingondo was situated between Godai-do, Gobutu-do and Hoto. It is concluded that in Jingoji the formation was closely connected with the arrangement in the Early Heian Era (Fig.4).
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