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1. Purpose of Study. Front somersault on floor can be classified into three groups. (1) The arms lift up forward and upward. (Theme 1.). (2) The arms lift up backwards from the front. (Theme 2). (3) The arms swing down forward from the upper part. (Theme 3). These three types of lifting up are properly used according to run-condition or purpose. This study is one of morphology of movement by experimental observation concerning the motion of take-off and the lift up of arms, which are the basic technics of the front somersault. 2. Experiments. One type is added to the three types of the front somersault in the experiment. It is the method of swinging arms down from the upper part in both sides. (Theme 4). Two conditions are added to these four types. A. The front somersault for more tuck. B. The front somersault for higher position. The results and considerations of the above mentioned experiments are as follows. 3. Conclusion. 1). The front somersaults by lifting arms up in each four themes result in different process of tuck. The theme 2 and the theme 3 are desirable for more tuck. The theme 1 is desirable for a higher position. 2). The movement of take-off of the front somersault is taken as preparation stage which influences the process of exercise in the air, and is also regarded as the transfering stage from the step into movement to the jumping movement. The motions of knees and of waist have the important elements for jumping in this stage. When one seeks more tucks, the bending of knees is small in step into movement, and the bending of the upper body is big at the point of jumping, and the waist is a little lifted up towards the tuck side. When one seeks a higher position, the bending of knees is deep in step into movement, and body is stretched upwards in the movement of jumping, and the waist is positively transferred to the upward in the front. 3). The relation between the lift up of arms and the head is seen to ha[ ] an important position to get tuck in advance and towards the direction of tucking. When one seeks more tucks, the direction of lifting arms is used for the tucking direction in harmony with the bending forward of the head. When one seeks a higher position, arms open to both sides from the big lifting up towards upperside. Tuck begins from the bending forward of the upper body and head. 4). In the theme IV, arms swing down intentionally opening in both sides from the upper side, which leads to the higher position from the beginning of tucks than in other themes. It suggests that when one does the front somersault from series excercise, the movement of arms becomes a figure of swinging down from the upperside, so the method which holds arms opening in both side in the theme IV is a technical element for a higher position.
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