プロダクト・プランニングの基本問題 : 製品多様化計画を中心として
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Indeed, strategies for product diversification have currently become the center of widespread interest among business executives as a means of market adjustment. It goss without saying that the product planning in an enterprise is to determine the characteristics of products that meet best with desires of ultimate consumers or users-the characteristics that add marketability to products-and to incorporate these characteristics into finished goods. We find, however, the word "merchandising" which has been used almost synonymously with "product planning" when we trace the history of marketing development. In this article, firstly, the writer tries to make clear the meaning of these two words by investigating literatures on marketing. The writer believes that product planning has come to the fore instead of merchandising, because the former implies a close association of marketing with managerial viewpoint of manufacturers. It has become necessary for manufacturers to plan new products in order to meet and overcome competition. Thus, product planning as a means of non-price-competition is becoming one of the most important factors in management especially in an oligopolistic market-structure. The primary purpose of planning on product is to increase profits by enlarged sales volume. And an important way to increase sales volume is to add new products of to increase the variety of designs, styles, colors, qualities, sizes and so forth in the line of production. This is referred to just as product diversification technically. In general, a new product line may be created from one of the following three sources; 1) internal development, 2) product acquisition, 3) taking over other going business When top management of a firm consider diversification strategy, they must always bear in mind "the life-cycles" of all present product lines they are managing. In short, the writer attempts to characterize the function of product planning from both viewpoints of modern managerial marketing and of market structure. The writer goes on to conclude that product planning in an integrated consumer-oriented business is the first and the most importanfc of the staff departments, and that systematic program for diversification nmust be a continuing managerial function for top management. The article deals with these problems as folldwings. 1. Preface. 2. Significance and nature of Product Planning. (1) Concept of "Merchandising" and "Product Planning". (2) Product Planning in Modern Marketing Management. (3) Product Planning as a means of non-price-competition in oligopolistic market. 3. Product Diversification Planning in Business. 4. Conclusion.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 1961-09-30
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