「'98年イラク危機からイラク戦争へ」 : アナン国連事務総長のミディエーション活動を中心に(大森郁之助教授 川上徳明教授 柴田勗教授 定年退職記念号)
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This article overviews and reexamines the circumstances under which the Iraq crisis developed in February 1998, with a particular emphasis on the hidden role played by U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan as a mediator between the United Nations and Iraq. It also examines in the context of international negotiation and mediation why the Iraq Crisis led to the March 19, 2003 War in Iraq. On February 24, 1998 U. N. Secretary General Kofi Annan reached a peaceful settlement on the core issue of the five-month Iraq crisis with Saddam Hussein. However, talks conducted between Iraq and the United Nations in August, 1998 regarding the dismantling of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, collapsed. If the talks had proven to be successful and a new stringent policy had been implemented by both the United Nations and the United States, the Iraq War of 2003 might have been avoided.
- 札幌大学の論文
- 2003-09-15
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