Evaluation of Variations in Absorbed Dose and Image Noise According to Patient Forms in X-ray Computed Tomography
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Excessive radiation exposure in pediatric computed tomography(CT)scanning has become a serious problem, and it is difficult to select scan parameters for the scanning of small patients such as children. We investigated differences in absorbed dose and standard deviation(SD)in Hounsfield unit(HU)caused by differences in the form of the subject using a body-type phantom with removable body parts. Using four X-ray CT scanners, measurements were made with values from 50 mAs to 300 mAs, with slices of 50 mAs, using scan protocols that were assumed to perform thorough examinations. The results showed that the mAs values and absorbed doses were almost proportional, and the absorbed doses in the phantom without body parts were about 1.1-2.2-fold higher than those of the phantom with body parts at the same points. The SD values obtained indicated that the absorbed doses in the phantom with body parts were 0.3-0.6 times those of the phantom without body parts when the mAs values used were adjusted so that both SD values were the same. The absorbed doses in various patient forms can be estimated from these results, and they will become critical data for the selection of appropriate scan protocols.
- 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会の論文
- 2005-12-20
松原 孝祐
Department Of Radiological Technology Kanazawa University Hospital:department Of Radiological Techno
SUZUKI Masayuki
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
Department of Clinical Radiological Technology, School of Health Sciences
Department of Radiological Technology, Kanazawa University Hospital
Department of Radiological Technology, Kanazawa University Hospital
Yamamoto Tomoyuki
Department Of Radiological Technology Kanazawa University Hospital
Department of Radiological Technology, Kanazawa University Hospital
Department of Radiological Technology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
Hayakawa Mayumi
Department Of Radiological Technology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kanazawa University
Matsubara Kosuke
Department Of Radiological Technology Kanazawa University Hospital:department Of Radiological Techno
Tsujii Hideo
Department Of Radiological Technology Kanazawa University Hospital
Koshida Kichiro
Department Of Radiological Technology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kanazawa University
Koshida Kichiro
Department Of Clinical Radiological Technology School Of Health Sciences
Suzuki Masayuki
Department Of Radiological Technology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kanazawa University
Suzuki Masayuki
Department Of Aerospace Engineering Nagoya University
Yamamoto Tomoyuki
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
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