- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper intended to trace the history of Itakinishi elementary school in Itaki-village Kamo-district Hiroshima-prefecture in the Meiji period. First, the transition of organization and course of study in the school in the early Meiji period was discussed. Second, we gave consideration to the significance of supplementary course in elementary school education for villagers and the trend of students who went on to higher stages of education in the middle of the Meiji period. Third, we ascertained that one district of Itaki-village was in an inflexibility of educational finance and finally decided to merge with another bigger district to reconstruct the rigidification of finance present in the late Meiji period. On the above tracing, a material of GAKKOUENKAKUSHI which has been owned by Itakinishi elementary school since the end of 19th century was referred in particular. There was the reprinting of part of the material at the back of this paper.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
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- 久木幸男編, 『仏教教育の展開』(仏教教育選集2), 国書刊行会, 2010年3月, 414頁, 本体価格8610円
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