精神科ソーシャルワーカーの行うアセスメント過程における活動とストレングスに着目した活動との関連性 : エンパワメントを基調とした精神保健福祉実践活動
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study examined the association between professional behaviors in assessment process and professional activities for discovery of strengths of mentally ill individuals in the psychiatric social workers' practice. As a result, I found that `facilitation of client's self-determination' and `data collection concerning crisis intervention' in assessment practice were strongly associated with `improving client's strengths in an individual level,' `developing a sense of citizen rights in a community level,' `creating network in a community level,' and `developing appropriate environments among a client' in discovery activities. In addition, `observation of group work dynamics' `performing for creating trust with a clients' in assessment practice were associated with `forming mutual support among clients in a group level' in discovery activities.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2006-02-15
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