保健医療福祉領域における「連携」の基本的概念整理 : 精神保健福祉実践における 「連携」に着目して
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Cooperation in mental health care is becoming increasingly important to support persons who live on their own and to provide high quality care that such people expect. However, the concept of "cooperation" is somewhat ambiguous, and is often not distinguished from other terms such as"collaboration" and "coordination". The aim of this article is to clarify the definition, components and process of cooperation by reviewing the literature on cooperation in Japan. A discussion of cooperation follows, including results. We define cooperation as a process that persons and organizations with similar purposes go through to build a collaborative relationship, and that enables them to then act together to achieve the defined goals. The main purpose of cooperation is to achieve specific goals and tasks that cannot be achieved by one discipline or entity alone. Cooperation consists of five factors : (1) tasks that cannot be achieved by one discipline alone, (2) finding out clients' needs and solving problems, (3) having the same purpose, (4) information sharing, and (5) confirmation of responsibilities and roles. Seven progressive stages in cooperation can be identified : (1) goals and tasks that cannot be achieved by one discipline alone, (2) identifying others who want to achieve the same goals and tasks, (3) linkage and coordination, (4) purpose confirmation, (5) role separation, (6) information sharing, and (7) continuation of the relationship. From now, it is necessary to discuss factors related to cooperation, such as client involvement and inter-professional education.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2009-03-18
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