- 論文の詳細を見る
Generally, the crevat and and sling have been used for shoulder articulation, subluxation, pair, edema, shoulder-hand syndrome, etc. Which are equally attributable to hemiplegia due to cerebral apoplexy. However, since immobilization of the upper limbs not only promotes secondary disorders such as poor limb level and articular contracture but also badly affects gait, the compatibility of equipment has become a topic of descussion. The development of the "Functional Arm Sling Brace" has solved these problems to some extent, however, depending on the severity limb disturbance, it is necessary to fully adjust an elbow joint. Thus, we have classified upper limb disturbances in (1) flacoid, (2) flexer synegy, (3) extensor synergy and (4) mixing synergy types, and used Klenzak elbow joint system arm brace for the upper limbs in 10 typical cases. As a result, extension of the width of the rubber used improved articulation, subluxation pain, etc. The adjustment of the flexor and extensor directions of polypropylene type elbow joint system arm brace prevented co-movement of the upper limbs and the tonicity of cervical and pectoralis major muscle. Moreover, ipsilateral and contralateral association responses were successfully blocked. We also improved not only posture but also gait to a certain extent. However, despite the shoulder joints being in a normal condition, an arm brace is required when a patient is highly spasmodic. It is necessary to adjust the whole of the upper limbs by elbow pad, hand-finger splint, etc. and to enhibit spasmodic conditions by using the arm leg braces.
- 1983-08-25
- 139 老年者の運動機能に関する研究 : 体力測定方法の検討
- 脳卒中片麻痺の上肢障害分類とポリプロピレン型クレンザック肘継手式上肢装具の試み
- 75. 脳卒中片麻痺の上肢障害分類とポリプロピレン型クレンザック肘継手式上肢装具の試み
- 脳卒中片麻痺に対する円型下腿カフ(膝窩部補正)付き短下肢装具の考察
- ポリオの極めて高度な反張膝に対する膝装具と靴型装具の一症例
- 脳卒中片麻痺に対するダイナミック長下肢装具の試み
- 153 脳卒中片麻痺に対するポリプロピレンとクレンザック金属継手式による下肢装具の試み
- 177. 正常人立位における下腿カフの位置と大腿四頭筋筋力測定差の研究 (第1報)
- 脳卒中片麻痺に対する機能的上肢吊装具の変方(機能的上腕牽引型)と肩甲帯下垂防止用改良型について
- 義肢装具士(仮称)問題について
- 老年者体力テスト年齢判定基準の研究 : 成・壮年と同一項目による体力テスト
- 脳卒中の評価学 (評価と記録の実際について)
- 58. 脳卒中片麻痺に対する機能的上腕吊装具の一検討
- 脳卒中の屈曲性痙性片麻痺について
- 脳卒中の理学療法評価と評価順序
- 脳卒中の評価学試案--評価項目と評価順序