老年者体力テスト年齢判定基準の研究 : 成・壮年と同一項目による体力テスト
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Since Japan has an aging society, the maintenance of the physical strength of the aged is becoming a problem. However, the motor functions of the elderly are still unknown because of the absence of test methods for physical strength and a points-system that are in common use with adult and matured persons with a maximum age of 59. Thus, we have adpted physical strength test standards established by the Ministry of Education for matured persons for the examination of physical strength of elderly persons above 60 years of age. Physical strength tests were then performed on 129 males aged 60-90 years and on 130 females aged 60-80 years, a total of 259 so-called 'healthy aged persons' living in Suginami ward, Tokyo with no inconvenience to their activities in daily life (ADL). As a result, a 62-year-old male who gained 55 points showed a physical strength equivalent to that of 35-39 year-old males, while a 64-year-old female with 62 points showed a level equivalent to that of females in their 20 s. However, on the whole the older the subjects were, the lower was the playsical strength. On reference to a physical strength assessment table based on the ages of matured persons, the motor ages of elderly persons were not able to be clarified. Nonetheless, physical strength judgement criteria according to the age of elderly persons were studied, since even the aged are found to retain motor functions on the receipt of physical strength tests for mature persons. As for the results of physical strength tests in elderly persons classified by age (5 years were successively added to 60) and the points obtained, the respectively tabulated decline of physical strength of mature persons and that of elderly persons were compared. A table of physical strength judgement criteria for elderly persons aged 60-89 was prepared by adding 10 points to each of the items of the physical strength tests for mature persons and finally adding 50 points to the total. In consequence, it became possible to carryout physical strength tests for elderly persons in accordance with the same parameters used for mature persons.
- 社団法人日本理学療法士協会の論文
- 1984-06-10
- 139 老年者の運動機能に関する研究 : 体力測定方法の検討
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- 老年者体力テスト年齢判定基準の研究 : 成・壮年と同一項目による体力テスト
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