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Insulin-dependent juvenile diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients are increasing and orthodontic treatment of these patients are also increasing in Japan. It is wellknown that the IDDM is the high risk infection group in which the wound healing and bone fracture healing are delayed. It is also indicated that the orthodontic tooth movement in the IDDM tends to get delay and that the force control is difficult clinically. The purpose of this study is to examine histopathologically the effects of experimental tooth movement in the spontaneously diabetic rat (BB/W) with insulin therapy. Sixty four BB/W male rats similar to human IDDM, aging from 12 to 14 week-old were used in this experiments. Throughout the experimental period these BB/W rats were controlled every day with intravenous human insulin injection of 2〜6U after diabetic attacks. Body weight, urine glucose and blood glucose were evaluted during experimental periods. The BB/W rats were divided into two groups such as good and inadequate diabetic control ones based from serum fructosamine levels. At two weeks after diabetic attack, the upper first molar was mesially moved to using Ni-Ti closed coil spring with about 10g for 1,3,5,7,10,14,21 and 28 days. After the experiments, all animals were sacrificed and the specimens were examined with a light microscope. The results were as follows ; 1. Body weight increased significantly in normal control but increased slightly in both of the diabetic groups after diabetic attacks throughout the experiments. 2. The distance of tooth movement in good and inadequate diabetic control groups was significantly less than that in normal control groups 14 days after tooth movement. In good diabetic control groups, the distance of tooth movement was much more significantly larger than that in the inadequate group (p<0.05). 3. Levels of serum fructosamine and 1,25 (OH)_2D_3 were inversely correlated in the experimental groups. 4. In good diabetic control groups, the bone resorption of a pressure side and the bone formation of a tension side were mory active than those of inadequate groups from 5 days after tooth movement. The hyaline degeneration of a pressure side was retarded for a long term in inadequate groups. In normal control groups, periodontal tissues following tooth movement proceeded favorably when compared to good and inadequate diabetic control groups. It was suggested that the bone resorption, bone formation and remodelling following tooth movement are retarded regardless of the good or bad control of blood glucose levels with insulin in IDDM patients.
- 1995-06-30
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