Mobitz II Typeの房室ブロックがペースメーカー植え込み後回復した一症例
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The prognosis for Mobitz type II atrioventricular block is usually poor without implantation of artificial pacemaker, because the pathogenesis of this block is due to organic damage of the AV conduction system of the heart. However, the authors encounted a case involving restoration of this type of AV block in a patient with implanted pacemaker. A 65-year old male developed Mobitz II type of atrioventricular block (infra-Hisian block : diagnosed by Hisian ECG, Fig. 1,6 and 7) in July 1985. The patient was 57-years of age. Then, he recived am implanted DDD type of artificial pacemaker by a cardiologist at the University Clinic in July 1985 (Fig. 8,9,10 and Photo. 1,2,3). Approximately 8 years after implantation of the artificial pacemaker (December, 1992), the Hisian conduction system in this patient's heart was restored without any special regimen other than pacemaker implantation (Fig. 8,11,12). His heart has been functioning without the assistance of pacemaker since that time. This phenomenon suggested that Mobitz II type of atrioventricular block was cured by electrical stimulation from an artificial pacemaker. Some nerve paralyse has been cured by suitable and continuous electrical stimulation, and this case suggested such an occurence.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1994-03-31
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