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Authors have experienced a case of measles that had an interesting history, also with liver injury that was an infrequent findings in a measles. Thus, the authors present this case. A 18 year-old gril was admitted to the Department of Medicine of this hospital bacause of a rash on her face, trunk and extremities. Diagnosis of her unusual and interesting history was as follows; The first diagnosis was made as an upper respiratory infection by a physician (on the third day after initial sign of the disease of tenderness of lymph gland of her neck). The second diagnosis was made as an allergic reaction against toiletry by a dermatologist on the next day (the fourth day after the first sign), the third diagnosis was made as a complicated oral disease of unknown etiology by a dentist on the next day (the fifth day after initial sign). Finally, typical rashes of measles appeared on her face, trunk and extremities (Phot. 1 and 2). Then, the diagnosia of measles was made on the seventh day after the initial sign. The titers of anti-measles virus was increased with the progression of the disease. The titer was below x4 at the initial examination, and x28 the last. Other laboratory examinations were typical findings in measles; decreased number of peripheral white blood cells and increased LDH. The values of GOT, GPT and gamma-GTP were, however, increased. This suggested she had a mild liver injury (Table 1,2,3). Liver injury is not a common finding in measles. Her general conditions had been improved completely by non-specific regimens when she was discharged from the hospital. It is interesting that signs and symptoms of measles were diagnosed as an eruption of the face caused by allergic reactions against toiletry by a dermatologist, and also non-specific oral findings probably due to high fever were diagnosed as a complicated oral disease of unknown etiology by a dentist. Moreover, the patient presented with liver injury that is an infrequent finding in uncomplicated measles.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1992-12-31
三角 博康
福岡歯科大学 内科学講座
白井 洸
中尾 政幸
梅井 利彦
三角 博庚
大原 紀彦
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