- 論文の詳細を見る
This study, consisting of two experiments (Exp.1 and 2), was conducted to clarify the process and potential for remodelling of the temporomandibular joint, that is, reconstruction of a new condyle following unilateral condylectomy and simultaneousmenisectomy. Especially, emphasis was laid on the changes of the hard tissue and radiographic, histopathological, fluorescence microscopic, contact microradiographic, and scanning electron microscopic observations were performed. The experimental animals were 14 adult female Macaca fuscatas each weighing between 7 and 8 kg (Exp.1) , and 88 male 12-week-old Wistar rats (Exp.2) . Unilateral condylectomies and menisectomies were reperformed atraumatically in the surrounding tissues through the preauricular incisions. The animals were maintained on their regular diet before and after surgery. The animals in Exp.1 were divided into seven groups, including two animals for the control study, and the others were killed, after taking a standardized posterior radiograph of the skull, on the 10th, 20th, 40th, 83rd, 123rd and 180th postoperative day. Each temporomandibular joint was removed and prepared for contact microradiographic and histopathological observations. The animals in Exp.2 were divided into ten groups including a control group. They were killed on the 3rd, 7th, 10th, 20th, 40th, 83rd, 123rd, 150th, and 180th postoperative day. The tissues were prepared for histopathological and scanning electron microscopic observation of the stump after condylectomy. Experiment 1 Radiographic observation showed a radiopaque proliferation from the stump increasing with passage of time, and finally new condyles similar to the controls were reconstructed spontaneously by the 123rd day. A fluorescence microscopic observation showed fluorescence areas were noted in the stump, articular eminence and lateral part of the coronoid process. Histopathologically, hard tissue proliferations were observed at the stump and the surface of the articular eminence immediately after the surgery. Experiment 2 The sections stained by Villanueva Goldner and toluidine blue revealed both membranous and cartilaginous ossifications. Scanning electron microscopic observation showed an osseous repair appeared to have been proceeding at the inner aspectjust below the stump of the mandibular ramus on the 10th day postoperatively. The bone proliferation continued not only on the inside but also outside with some bone resorption between the 40th and 83th day. Finally they approximated to the form of the condyle.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1991-10-30
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- Development of arthroscopic surgical instruments.