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The high mobility group protein HMGIC is an architectural transcription factor which is express exclusively during embryogenesis. However, expression of HMGIC has been linked to numerous aberrant proliferative conditions in the adult, such as benign mesenchymal neoplasm and hamartomas. It is also observed in a number of epithelium-derived carcinomas. However, a role of HMGIC in carcinoma pathogenesis is controversial. This study investigates expression of the HMGI family members and distribution of HMGIC in oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), and its potential role for tumor differentiation and progression. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR showed ubiquitous expression of HMGI and HMGY in SCC cell lines, but HMGIC was up-regulated in differentiating SCC cell lines (p<0.05). Immunohistochemistry for HMGIC was performed on 39 cases of SCCs and percentage of the nuclear immunoreactivity confirmed upregulation in well differentiated SCCs. Double immunostaining colocalize HMGIC and E-CADHERIN, indicating HMGIC expression in differentiating carcinoma cells. However, at the invasion front, the HMGIC immunoreactive cells were also observed in PCNA-positive cells located at the peripheries of carcinoma cell nests and in myofibroblasts adjacent to the nests. Number of HMGIC-positive cases at the invasion front was increased in patient with cervical lymph node metastasis (p<0.05). The present study demonstrates HMGIC expression in differentiating and proliferating carcinoma cells, and suggests a biphasic action of HMGIC in oral SCCs.
- 日本結合組織学会の論文
真田 一男
Chada Kiran
真田 一男
日本歯科大学 歯学部 生化学 教室
今井 一志
宮沢 淳
日本歯科大学 歯 生化学 : 日本歯科大学 歯 口腔外科1
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