- 論文の詳細を見る
To evaluate the phonetic function in patients with maxillary malignant tumors, the first and second formant frequencies of Japanese five vowels were analyzed using a digital sound spectrograph. The subjects were 30 patients with tumor of the hard palate (Group II) and 8 with tumor of soft palate (Group III). Nasopharynx was examined by fiberscope, and each group was subclassified into Group A showing complete closure of the nasopharynx and Group B showing incomplete closure with partial opening in the nasopharynx. The results were as in the followings : 1. Analysis of the first formant frequency showed an increase in each vowel in Groups II and III compared with the control Group I. Significant increases were observed in /i/, /u/ in Group II, and /i/, /u/, /e/ and /o/ in Group III. 2. Analysis of the second formant frequency showed increases in /a/, /u/ and /o/ with a significant insrease in /a/, /o/ and slight decreases in /i/ and /e/ in Group II. Group III showed increases in /a/, /u/, and /o/ with significant increases in /a/ and /o/, and slight decreases in /i/ and /e/. 3. Nasopharyngeal closure function was evaluated by endoscopic examination. The number of patients classified as Group II-A was 17 for /a/, 20 for /i/, 18 for /u/, 19 for /e/, and 18 for /o/. The number of patients classified as Group II-B was 7 for /a/, 4 for /i/, 6 for /u/, 5 for /e/, and 6 for /o/. The number of patients classified as Group III-A was 1 for /a/, 5 for /i/, 4 for /u/, 5 for /e/, and 3 for /o/, and that classified as Group III-B was 6 for /a/, 2 for /i/, 2 for /u/, 2 for /e/, and 4 for /o/. In Group III-B, tendency to closure failure was observed for /a/. 4. Classification of nasopharyngeal closure function showed significant increases in the first formant frequencies of each vowel in Group II-A and II-B compared with Group I. Analysis of fist formant shoud increase /a/, /o/ and decreases in /i/, /u/, and /e/ in the Group II-B compared with Group II-A. Group III showd increase in /a/, /e/ and decreases in /i/, /u/ and /o/ in Group III-B compared with Group III-A. The second formant frequency increase in /a/, /u/, and /o/ compared with Group I Group II-A and has decreased with /i/ and /e/. The formant frequency of Group II-B increased in /a/ and /o/ and has decreased with /i/, /u/ and /e/. Group II-B decreased because of /a/, /i/, and /u/ the formant frequency and increased in /e/ and /o/ compared with Group II-A. Group III-A increase in /a/, /u/, and /o/ compared with Group II. The formant frequency and has decreased with /u/ and /e/. The formant frequency of Group III-B rises by /a/, /u/, and /e/ and has decreased with /i/ and /o/. The formant frequency increase in Group III-B by /a/, /u, and /e/ compared with Group III-A and has decreased because of /i/, /o/.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1998-06-30
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