- 論文の詳細を見る
Tumors were induced in the tongue of hamsters' by a stabbing application of a 1% solution of DMBA in acetone ; groups I (25 animals) and II (30 animals) formed tumors on the lateral borders of the anterior and middle third of the tongue, respectively. The mechanism of metastasis was examined histopathologically according to the site of the primary lesion. The growth pattern of the induced tumor of the tongue consisted of papillary, ulcerative and combined types. Sarcoma and coexisting sarcoma and squamous cell carcinoma were noted in 1 and 4 cases, respectively, with all of the remaining cases, being squamous cell carcinomas. Metastasis in the submandibular lymph node was noted in 4 of the 25 cases (16%) of group I and in 4 of 30 cases (20%) of group II, but not metastasis in the lungs or livers. Metastasis in the lymph node was noted only for ulcerative and combined types. According to Broders' classification, the malignancy of squamous cell carcinoma was most frequently of the grade II which was represented by 8 of 10 metastatic cases. In accordance with Willen's classification, groups I and II showed 15.1 and 12.9 points and 13.8 and 12.6 points for metastatic and non-metastatic cases, respectively, indicating a higher malignancy for the former cases. Metastasis in the lymph node was prevalent for those cases of primary lesions which showed a mode of tumor invasion of 4C, 4D of tumor-host borderline according to Yamamoto and Kohama's classification. Tumor thickness was 4.9 and 2.2 mm and 3.6 and 2.8 mm for metastatic and non-metastatic cases in groups I and II, respectively, indicating a deeper invasion for the former cases.In terms of pattern of nodal involvement of metastatic lymph nodes, groups I and II showed a marginal node and medullary node type in the early stage and medullary node, entire node, extra node type and in the late stage, respectively.
- 福岡歯科大学学会の論文
- 1992-09-30
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- 18.口腔癌切除後の再建 : 第4報 : 広背筋皮弁(第18回 福岡歯科大学総会抄録)
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