Three-electrode system血液ガス分析装置の歯科臨床への試験的応用
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The author attempted to measure the tissue respiration in gingiva by minimal blood with accurate analytic apparatus instead of using the Warburg's manometric technic. So that, the pH value, p0_2 pCO_2 HCO^-_3, totalCO_2, base excess (B. E.), buffer base (B. B.) and standard bicardonate (S.B.) of the venous blood and the arterial blood were evaluated to the basic data with the Corning Evans pH/Blood Gas 165. The data of the result were compared with the reports of the other authors. 'l'hen, the author measured the arterial blood of the periodontal patients in order to check out its correlation with the degree of the inflammation. The subjects were divided into two groups. The clinical normal group consisted of 18 students of Nihon University School of Dentistry from 18 to 25 in age, observed no oral lesion and other systemic disease. The other group included 100 periodontal patients from 18 to 65 in age that were diagnosed by Periodontal Department of Nihon University Dental Hospital. After the patient were sat in resting position, the venous blood was taken from the left medial cubital vein for about 6.0ml and the arteral blood was taken from the earlobe for about 0.125ml. The following results were obtained. 1. The basic data of the tissue respiration in gingiva were obtained from the minimal venous and arterial blootl with the above apparatus that were accurate and consistend with the value of the references. 2. The value of pO_2 determined by the arterial blood taken from the earlobe in the clinical is noted. 3. The value of pO_2 and base excess of the arterial blood were much higher in males than in females that were consistent with the other author's reports. But the value of HCO^-_3, total CO_2 and buffer base were not compared with the others. 4. The measured value between the clinical normal and the periodontal patients didn't have any obvious difference but in the metabolic activity the latter had a slight decreasing tendency than the former. Because the pH value of the blood and partial gas pressure were influenced by many local and systemic facter. It is difficult, to state at this tirne that the cause of the deviation is the exact character of the periodontal disease. 5. The result that the value of pO_2 in arterial blood many decrease when the physiological age increase were consistent with the other author's reports.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
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