- 論文の詳細を見る
The turnover of plasma urea was studied in goats fed rations with differentprotein contents by using "C- and "N-urea as tracers. The biological half-life time ofurea determined with "N-urea was always longer than that determined with "C-urea,reflecting the difference in the metabolic pathway between the urea hydrolysates, ammoniaand carbon dioxide. It was roughly estimated from the turnover studies that more thana half the quantity of urea synthesized might be transferred to the alimentary canal,including the rumen, where it underwent dissociation. With a decrease in the proteincontent of the ration, the percentage of transfer and dissociation increased. The "C-ureadischarged into the urine was less than 57% of the administered dose. It decreased to3.9% in goats fed rations with a low protein content.The rate of urea turnover determined with "N-urea was nearly consistent with the rateof urea discharge into the urine in goats fed higher protein rations. In goats fed lowerprotein rations, on the other hand, the rate of urea discharge decreased and its consistencywith the rate of turnover determined with "N-urea was upset. This was caused byassimilation of urea-nitrogen in rumen microorganisms, as was convinced by studying theincorporation of urea-"N into the fraction of rumen microorganisms. It was assumedthat in goats fed lower protein rations the bulk of urea synthesized might have enteredthe endogenous recycling system within the body and assimilated by rumen micro-organusms.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1975-08-25
- 高蛋白飼料給与山羊の肝尿素合成酵素系の活性
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- 69 飼料の相違による山羊および緬羊の血清尿素レベルの変動 (第61回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 84 乳牛の栄養障害発生実験に関する研究 : XI. 生化学的所見(6ヶ年成績の概要)
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- 山羊におけるグルタミンの生成とグルタミン合成酵素の活性
- 山羊における尿素の内的循環に関する定量的研究
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