犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : I. 犬糸状虫症例の血清中遊離アミノ酸の定量,とくに高圧濾紙泳動法を臨床部門に導入するための基礎的検討
- 論文の詳細を見る
Imrnunochemical studies 1?ave been performed in the field of veterinary science, especiallyto clarify immunity against parasitosis. Many problems, ltowever, remain to be solved.They include not only a question on the enforcement of immunization procedure but alsoOne on the possibility of immunization against parasitogenic diseases.The author has already inxxestigated anti-antigen fractions against the antigen whichwas extracted from the homogenized tissue of canine filariae and which consisted mostly ofprotein and polysaccharide. These fractions were contained in the components of fB- and7-globulin in the serum.Besides, preliminary expen"iments were carried out to investigate the amino-acid organi-zation of the antibody. As a result, a considerably peculiar variation was observed in freeamino acids in the serum in the case of parasitism of canine filariae and a few otherparasitoses.For qualitative and quantitative determination of free amine acids in the serum, paperand column chromatography have been utilized. In the analysis of amino acids, high voltagepaper electrophoresis differs from ordinary electrophoresis. The former is less partial thanthe latter as to the length of tirne required for clinical symptoms to appear, the accuratepattern and the speed of analysis.Therefore, as one of the fundamental studies by high voltage paper electrophoresis, anexperiment was made at first on the relative order of migration of 19 kinds of crystal arninoacids which had been dissolved in acid liquid. In the experiment, filter paper was hungfrom the anode to the cathode in the receptacle of development liquid consisting of formicacid and acetic acid (pH 1.5). Frorn this experiment, it ,?vas confirmed that there weremigrating basic arnino acids on the cathode side, separated acid amino acids with two neutralamino acid components (Phe and Cys) toward the anode sidcc, and the main neutral aminoacid components, which were organized by four fractions, between two groups of acid andbasic amino acids as stated above.Strictly spe
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1965-02-25
- 209 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : V.免疫措置後の血清中游離Amino acid組成の変動について 特に免疫抗原の種類と游離Amino acid動態の推移について
- 5 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : IV. 犬糸状虫症例の血清中遊離Amino-acidの定量(高圧濾紙泳動法)特にその未感染対照区に於けるAmino-acid動態について
- 104 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : III. 犬糸状虫感染経過時における抗体産生について、特に血清蛋白の季節的消長ならびに仔虫数変動と免疫定量沈降素反応を中心として
- 69 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : II. アンチモン剤による駆出犬糸状虫仔虫の血清中蛋白-N量に与える変動について
- 9 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : I. 砒素剤による犬糸状虫成虫駆除処置後の血清中蛋白-N量の変動について
- 115 犬の盲腸摘出手術に関する研究 : II. 摘出手術の各種方法について
- 121 犬糸状虫仔虫に及ぼす虫体抽出抗原の影響について
- 116. 犬糸状虫症の診断に関する研究 : II. 虫体抽出抗元による皮内反応に関する研究 (第45回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : II. 犬糸状虫症例の血清中遊離アミノ酸の定量, 特に高圧濾紙泳動法の臨床部門への導入
- 犬糸状虫症の免疫化学的研究 : I. 犬糸状虫症例の血清中遊離アミノ酸の定量,とくに高圧濾紙泳動法を臨床部門に導入するための基礎的検討