鶏血漿中 Globulins から単離した Aspartate-および Alanine-aminotransferase 系アミノ基転移酵素の活性とその物理化学的性状について I
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As was reported prexziously30?31), the results of the dissociation of transaminases,wlticlt were rouglaly classified into forward (F)-aspartate aminotransferase (GOT), reverse(R)-GOT, F-alanine aminotransferae (GPT), and [-GPT"?",haxre led to the suggestionthat some of the globulin components in fowl blood plasma may play a significant rolein tlte vehicle function of all the transaminases mentioned above, except F-GPT. It isdifficult at present to verify this suggestion. It is of interest, however, to investigate thesuggested situation in more detail.Tlae author tried to fractionate components 4-b and c belonging to tlae beta-globulins") distinguishable by disc electrophoresis. Judging from the experimentalevidence30?") collected in recent years, both components seemed to be carriers of thereverse transaminases.Cltarts I-(A) and (B) slaow tI?e authors method for separating these components.In addition, the transaminase activity values were determined by the authorsmethod25?8). The results obtained are summarized as follows.l. Components 4-b and c coulcl be separated in fractions of IV-7(e) and IV-5(e),respectively.2. The relationslaip between the components separated and their transaminationreaciton led to the conclusion that both substrates of R-GOT and R-GPT were catalyzedby component 4-b. The activity value of R-GPT was much larger than that of R-GOT.This kind of transaminase was introduced already under the name of CRT-ase32).On the contrary, component 4-c catalyzed only R-GOT substrate. Neither corn-pontent had any actixze fragment closely related to F-GOT, F-GPT, R-GPT, reversibleGOT, or GPT.3. From the physicoclaemical properties of components 4-b and c, the conclusionsreaclaed can be expressed as follows.The involving fractions for botlt components showed much the same mode offractional precipitation as fractions IV-4, IV-5, and IV-7 indicated by C0HN5) andONCLEY15). It was pointed out by them5?15) that tlte following components of beta-globulins were involved in the fractions just described. Someisoelectric poiu?t were 5.4 auad 4.9 of pH, respectively.Besides, from the hexosamine content10?12), it is probable that both componentsnaay be of mucoprotein19?2=2). The asterisk placed after the term mucoprotein indi-cates that the components are beta-mucog1obu1ins21).4. Both components represented the same relative position as gamma.-globulinson cellulose acetate electrophoretic analysis"9).For a general understanding of immunizing process in living materia1s20), thisfinding that some of the gamma.-globulins in fowl blood plasma consist of componentswith a sedimentation constant within a range of 5.0 to 5.4 is of extreme importance.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1972-12-25
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- 鶏血漿中 Globulins から単離した Aspartate-および Alanine-aminotransferase 系アミノ基転移酵素の活性とその物理化学的性状について I
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