脊髄硬膜外麻酔法に関する実験的研究 : III. 反射機能からみた麻酔の効果
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The influences of epidural anesthesia exerted upon the flexor reflex, the kneejerk, and the evoked potential of polysynaptic reflex were observed in dogs. The evokedpotential that had been produced by electrical stimulation to the N, cutaneus suraecaudalis was recorded from t[te M. gastrocnemius in a dog under general anesthesia,The results obtained are summarized as follows.(1) Tlte flexor reflex and the knee jerk disappeared rapidly within about twominutes and recovered slowly after administration of the anesthetic.(2) The evoked potential disappeared within about two minutes after administra-tion of the anesthetic.(3) Tlaese reflexes disappeared almost at the same time when the f -S pointsbiased to the right side in the previous experiment.(4) In the dog under epidural anesthesia, the standing posture was maintained,with no sonaatic reflex activity shown by the hind limb.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1969-06-25
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