鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : XII. 鶏の脳表面に分布する動脈とその吻合枝
- 論文の詳細を見る
The arteries with their anastorruoses in the brain of the fowl were investigated. Specimertswere injected with either Indian ink or neoplen-latex into the Arteria carotis communis. Thoseinjected with Indian ink were fixecl in 10% formalin and those with neoplen-latex werepreserved in concentrated hydrochloric acid in order to remove the tisstues.The results of observation on the arterial supply of the brain surface were essentiallythe same as those obtained by IIOFMANN", SIIIINA and IVIIYATA", and KAKU". Thenomenclature, in Latin and Japanese, of the arteries confirrrned in the present observationand the terminologies used by other authors are shown in Fable l.In this observation, four marked anastomotic branches were confirmed between thearteries in and around the brain (Fig. 1).( 1 ) TWO branches dmverged from thC A. C2LIOt1S cerebralus It the anterior aperture of the parabasal canal. TllC proximal branch was one anastomosing with a branch of the A.facialis. The distal one, which was the A. sphenomaxillaris of WINGSTRAND", connectedwith a branch of the A. ethnnoidalis and a rarrtus of A. facialis and passed further forward.In a few cases, only one branch was given off in place of the two branches and dividedafterward into two rami.( 2 ) The A. carotis cerebralis gave off an anastomotic branch immediately after thecommunication of the left and right Aa. carotides cerebrales. This branch was connectedwith a ramus of the A. ophthalmica externa. It seems that this branch corresponds to theA. ophthalmica interna of STRESEMANN", WINGSTRAND", and ASSENMACHER".( 3 ) The third anastomosis was found in connection witlr the A. ethmoidalis. Thisartery gave off an anastomotic branch after its perforation of the skull. This branch unitedwith a ramus of the A. ophthalmica externa. HOFMANN" suggested that the A. ophthalmicaexterna might supply a considerable amount of blood to the brain arteries of the fowlthrough this anastomosis.( 4 ) Furthermore, the A. ethmoidalis gave off a branch which was connected with aramus of the A. facialis.As mentioned above, the brain arteries formed a kind of arterial cycle in the fowl. Itis probable that the amount of arterial blood which is supplied to the brain is regulatedthrough this cycle. The direction of the blood flow in each branch remains to be clarified.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1962-06-25
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