ブタ丹毒菌に対するマウスの生菌免疫に関する研究 : 特にアクリフラビン耐性菌による免疫の量的観察
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The results of experimentation on the immune response of mice to the living swineerysipelas vaccine (acriflavine attenuated bacilli), are summarized as follows :1. From the results of correlation between the immune doses and the survival ratesobtained from the protection tests, the immune response was divided into two parts at thecritical point, corresponding to approximately one hundred bacilli. In the case of the testsdone with the doses below the critical, it was recognized th?tt the relation was regressive.On the other hand, when the tests XVCFC performed with tlte doses beyond the critical, theregressive relation was broken and in most cases, regardless of the size of the immune doses,showed a full percentage of sturvivals (Fig. l).In the range of small immune doses, below the critical point, values estimated fromthe regression line would widely vary because of error in bacterial counting and differencesin the susceptibility of mice. Accordingly, the inoculum at the upper portion of the line(order of 10) appears to be available for checking the antigenicity of the vaecine strain.2. On the bases of the above mentioned datum, the influence of the difference in sexand body weight of the test mice on the immunizabilit3r, was checked. From the resultobtained, it was found that the immunity developed in mice was influenced, significantly, bythe difference in body weight, but not by that of sex (Table 1).This finding appears to show that a selection should made based on the weight of themice to be ernployed, in order to prevent a wide variation in the potency values.3. The pattern of the dose response field, consisting of wide immune and challengedoses, show " ed that the size of the immue doses had a more marked influence on the sur-vival of mice than did the size of the challenge (Fig. 2). Namely>mice immunized withthe doses beyond the critical point were resistant against infection even with extremelysevere challenge doses, although there were some deaths. Tire fact that the size of thechallenge doses w
- 1960-02-25
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- 77 Mycoplasma gallisepticumのひな鼻腔内接種試験 (第59回日本獣医学会記事)
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- ブタ丹毒菌に対するマウスの生菌免疫に関する研究 : 特にアクリフラビン耐性菌による免疫の量的観察
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